How to Buy Aladdin Inu Tokens
Aladdin Inu Contract Address: 0x4e1f385334D5EbbeDa6721ebA9041F035D79f8D0
Step 1: Download MetaMask or other PancakeSwap supported wallets
Metamask, as well as other well-known wallet apps are available from the App Store or Google Play Store, for free. If you prefer to use a Desktop, there are browser extensions that integrate with Google Chrome, which include MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, TrustWallet, and more. We recommend using MetaMask as your primary wallet to trade Aladdin Inu tokens (see Follow their easy steps from their guide to set up a wallet. When MetaMask asks for your signature go ahead and click sign.
Step 2: Send BNB to MetaMask.
You can buy BNB directly through Metamask or you can transfer some from another wallet or crypto exchange. You can follow tutorials on YouTube if you get stuck on this step.
Step 3: Connect to PancakeSwap.
Go to via a desktop browser or inside your Metamask wallet tap the three blue lines at the top left of your screen to reveal your browser. When Metamask asks for your signature go ahead and click sign.
Step 4: Swap your BNB for Aladdin Inu tokens.
Go to via a desktop browser or inside your Metamask wallet. Click the cog button (the small gear) and change the “Slippage" amount to 10-15%. The contract address for Aladdin Inu is : 0x4e1f385334D5EbbeDa6721ebA9041F035D79f8D0. Add your desired BNB amount you’d like to swap, and once you’re happy click the “Swap” button to finalize the trade.
Last updated